Forgot Account Password?Then here is the solution for that...........

Go to Run->cmd

type AT (time) /interactive “cmd.exe”

enter time in 24hr format

means if you want to enter 5.00pm then enter 17:00

then a new window of cmd will open at specified time.

In new window type net(space)user

press enter

after this u will see some names on ur screen

notedown the name of admin acc

then type

net user (name of admin acc u want to crack into) (space) *
e.g if the name of admin acc is john then type

net user john *

then it will ask u for new password

enter password of ur choice

and u got the admin password

The above scheduling is optional you can crack ur administrative account without doing that.U can perform the following directly from the same window.U should be logged in any account to perform this.
for eg:If ur system is a single user system then one inbuilt secret account will be there.How to login into that??Its so simple my dear friends........ U just click CTRL+ALT+DEL for two times that's will get a login prompt and you enter administrator under username and click login.Moreover if you set a password while installin the OS it asks for a password.So always maintain a spare limited account without a password on safe side as everything is uncertain........