As most Windows watchers know by now, Windows 7 brings a handful of interface tweaks to the table, starting with large, eye-pleasing program icons that take up residence in the taskbar. Of course, this is little more than an update to the Quick Launch feature that debuted in Windows XP. And believe it or not, Vista users can easily bring that Windows 7 look to their own taskbars.

Here's how:
1. Right-click any open space in the taskbar and clear the checkmark from Lock the Taskbar.
2. Right-click the taskbar again and choose Toolbars, Quick Launch. A small batch of icons appears next to the Start button.
3. Click and drag the Quick Launch toolbar's right handle to the right to create some extra icon space.
4. Right-click in an open space within that toolbar, then choose View, Large Icons.
Presto! Now your Vista taskbar should look a lot like Windows 7's. To add icons, just drag and drop any program, folder, or individual file to the Quick Launch toolbar.