Showing posts with label Hacking Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hacking Tips. Show all posts

This weak reduces the time Windows-XP waits before automatically closing any running programs when you give it the command to shutdown.

Follow the steps as given below-

1) Go to Start then select Run

2) Type 'Regedit' and click ok

3) Find 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\'

4) Select 'WaitToKillAppTimeout'

5) Right click and select 'Modify'

6) Change the value to '1000'

7) Click 'OK'

8) Now select 'HungAppTimeout'

9) Right click and select 'Modify'

10) Change the value to '1000'

11) Click 'OK'

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Windows Genuine Hack:-

Windows Genuine Hack:-
1) Download "Windows.Genuine.Advantage.Validation..rar"
2) Extract It.
3) Run "installer.bat" file.
4) Reboot.
5) Enjoy Your Validated Windows.


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[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main]
"Window Title"="The Hackademy"
Replace the "The Hackademy" with what ever text you would like to have displayed in the Title bar of the Internet Explorer Windows.

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Follow the steps given below :-
1) Hold down the 'Windows' Key and Press the 'Pause/Break' button at the top right of your keyboard.
Another way is Right-Clicking 'My Computer' and then Select 'Properties'.
2) Click on the 'Advanced' tab.
3) Under 'Performance', click 'Settings'.
4) Then click the 'Advanced' tab on the button that pops up.
5) Under 'Virtual Memory' at the bottom, click 'Change'.
6) Click the 'Custom Size' button.
7) For the initial size (depending on your HD space), type in anywhere from 1000-1500 (although I use 4000), and for the Maximum size type in anywhere from 2000-2500 (although I use 6000).
8) Click 'Set', and then exit out of all of the windows.
9) Finally, Restart your computer.
10) You now have a faster computer and 1-2GB of Virtual RAM..!

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How to remove Recycle Bin Icon from Desktop
If using XP Pro
On the right hand pane find " Remove Recycle Bin icon on the desktop " , double left click on it to ENABLE it.

If using XP Home
Create or modify the following registry entry

Related post
Run Firefox inside Firefox
Chat with Friends through ms dos Command Prompt
Access Free Airtel GPRS Using TeaShark
Airtel Hack for Free Internet Access
Vodafone Hack For Free GPRS
Sitemeter Hack - Hide Visual Tracker (Counter)
create your own instant messenger bot(Gtalk,yahoo.etc)
Hack ur cell fone to send free sms :

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Folder Lock With Password Without Any Software-
Paste the code given below in notepad and 'Save' it as batch file (with extension '.bat').
Any name will do.
Then you see a batch file. Double click on this batch file to create a folder locker.
New folder named 'Locker' would be formed at the same location.
Now bring all the files you want to hide in the 'Locker' folder. Double click on the batch file to lock the folder namely 'Locker'.
If you want to unlock your files,double click the batch file again and you would be prompted for password.
Enter the password and enjoy access to the folder.
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%==type your password here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created successfully
goto End

Related Posts :
How to make a private folder?
Auto delete the temporary folder
Lock your computer in 2 seconds
Crack ur Administrative account(Windows)
20 hidden applications in Win XP
Disable Shutdown in Windows XP

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To run any of these apps go to Start > Run and type the executable name, for example: charmap WINDOWS XP HIDDEN APPLICATIONS:
1. Character Map = charmap.exe (very useful for finding unusual characters)
2. Disk Cleanup = cleanmgr.exe
3. Clipboard Viewer = clipbrd.exe (views contents of Windows clipboard)
4. Dr Watson = drwtsn32.exe (Troubleshooting tool)
5. DirectX diagnosis = dxdiag.exe (Diagnose & test DirectX, video & sound cards)
6. Private character editor = eudcedit.exe (allows creation or modification of characters)
7. IExpress Wizard = iexpress.exe (Create self-extracting / self-installing package)
8. Mcft Synchronization Manager = mobsync.exe (appears to allow synchronization of files on the network for when working offline. Apparently undocumented).
9. Windows Media Player 5.1 = mplay32.exe (Retro version of Media Player, very basic).
10. ODBC Data Source Administrator = odbcad32.exe (something to do with databases)
11. Object Packager = packager.exe (to do with packaging objects for insertion in files, appears to have comprehensive help files).
12. System Monitor = perfmon.exe (very useful, highly configurable tool, tells you everything you ever wanted to know about any aspect of PC performance, for uber-geeks only )
13. Program Manager = progman.exe (Legacy Windows 3.x desktop shell).
14. Remote Access phone book = rasphone.exe (documentation is virtually non-existant).
15. Registry Editor = regedt32.exe [also regedit.exe] (for hacking the Windows Registry).
16. Network shared folder wizard = shrpubw.exe (creates shared folders on network).
17. File siganture verification tool = sigverif.exe
18. Volume Contro = sndvol32.exe (I've included this for those people that lose it from the System Notification area).
19. System Configuration Editor = sysedit.exe (modify System.ini & Win.ini just like in Win98! ).
20. Syskey = syskey.exe (Secures XP Account database - use with care, it's virtually undocumented.

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To disable shutdown in XP first of all you have to
i.Remove shutdown from start menu and also from all other possible options.
ii.Hide shutdown from start menu
iii.Disable shutdown all together.

Follow the steps given below:
a)Start àRun and type gpedit.msc . gpedit stands for group policy and you can do wonders using this.
b)Navigate to:User configuration Administrative Templates Start Menu and Taskbar 3.This option opens up a pane on the right hand side.
c)Identify the option named remove SHUT DOWN from the start menu.
d)Double click remove SHUT DOWN from the start menu option.
e)A small screen pops up and you may like to read about the explanation in the
EXPLAIN TAB before you change the settings.
f)Just change the radio button TO ENABLED and click on apply.
h)No need to log off or restart the system. (You may however have to find
a way to restart your system).
i)This option disables the log off option from the system.
j)From the start menu, also from the life saver – three buttons CTRL - ALT - DEL options.
k)This option goes well with the HIDING THE LOG OFF FROM START MENU. (To shut down your system:-without using from shut down menu) The solution is that you can switch user through task manager (alt+ctrl+del) or by pressing winkey+L where u get the option to turn off your computer/restart/stand by.
l)Or you may create a shortcut using this shortcut location to shutdown your system: %windir%\system32\shutdown.exe -s to restart, u can use this shortcut %windir%\system32\shutdown.exe –r to shutdown your PC

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As most Windows watchers know by now, Windows 7 brings a handful of interface tweaks to the table, starting with large, eye-pleasing program icons that take up residence in the taskbar. Of course, this is little more than an update to the Quick Launch feature that debuted in Windows XP. And believe it or not, Vista users can easily bring that Windows 7 look to their own taskbars.

Here's how:
1. Right-click any open space in the taskbar and clear the checkmark from Lock the Taskbar.
2. Right-click the taskbar again and choose Toolbars, Quick Launch. A small batch of icons appears next to the Start button.
3. Click and drag the Quick Launch toolbar's right handle to the right to create some extra icon space.
4. Right-click in an open space within that toolbar, then choose View, Large Icons.
Presto! Now your Vista taskbar should look a lot like Windows 7's. To add icons, just drag and drop any program, folder, or individual file to the Quick Launch toolbar.

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Forgot Account Password?Then here is the solution for that...........

Go to Run->cmd

type AT (time) /interactive “cmd.exe”

enter time in 24hr format

means if you want to enter 5.00pm then enter 17:00

then a new window of cmd will open at specified time.

In new window type net(space)user

press enter

after this u will see some names on ur screen

notedown the name of admin acc

then type

net user (name of admin acc u want to crack into) (space) *
e.g if the name of admin acc is john then type

net user john *

then it will ask u for new password

enter password of ur choice

and u got the admin password

The above scheduling is optional you can crack ur administrative account without doing that.U can perform the following directly from the same window.U should be logged in any account to perform this.
for eg:If ur system is a single user system then one inbuilt secret account will be there.How to login into that??Its so simple my dear friends........ U just click CTRL+ALT+DEL for two times that's will get a login prompt and you enter administrator under username and click login.Moreover if you set a password while installin the OS it asks for a password.So always maintain a spare limited account without a password on safe side as everything is uncertain........

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Very useful when you have to leave your system on for some time and you have to go some where else...

Right click on an empty area of the desktop and choose 'new' then 'shortcut.' The create shortcut wizard will open. in the

first text box, type '%windir%\System32\rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation' and then give your shortcut an

appropriate name on the next page, and hit 'finish.'

You will notice that the shortcut you created has a blank icon. To select a more appropriate one, right click on the

shortcut and hit 'properties.' In the 'shortcut' tab, click the 'change icon' button.

else u can simply press the "window key + l" to lock your computer...

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inbuilt blutooth sftware in win. XP

Now u don't need 2 install any software for ur bluetooth device.
u don't know bt u already had it in ur window xp nd vista
it can b used as:- d run command
2.nw typ 'fsquirt'
wid-out quotes
3.nw jus select weder u want 2 snd or receive ne file
vry easy:-)


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What i prefer is %temp% " without quotes.. at Start -> Run..
This opens ur temp folder n den u select all and delete.still try dis one too..

First go into gpedit.msc
Next select -> Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates/Windows Components/Terminal Services/Temporary Folder
Then right click "Do Not Delete Temp Folder Upon Exit"
Go to properties and hit disable. Now next time Windows puts a temp file in that folder it will automatically delete it when its done! Note from Forum Admin: Remember, GPEDIT (Group Policy Editor) is only available in XP Pro.

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Suppose you want to lock the folder games in d: which has the path D:\GamesIn the same drive create a text file and type
ren games games.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}
Now save this text file as loc.bat

create another text file and type in it
ren games.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} games
Now save this text file as key.bat

Now you can see 2 batch files loc and key.Press loc and the folder games will change to control panel and you cannot view its contents.Press key and you will get back your original folder.

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speed up ur adobe reader (almost like notepad)
some of u may be knowing this trick but i m posting for those who dont know this trick--

1. Go to the installation folder of acrobat reader
(C:\program files\adobe\acrobat\reader\.. whatever)

2. Move all the files and folders from the "plugins" directory to the "Optional" directory. (I repeat.. cut and paste the files NOT copy & paste).

Also make sure that acrobat reader is not open else it will lock the files and not allow you to move the files.

Now your acrobat reader will load very fast
and almost as good as notepad..

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The ZIP of Death

This is a exploit of the compression algorithms to make a small zip that will extract into extream amounts their are more ways and better ones than this one but i will only show how to make a simple 1k = 1m ratio.
1) Make a.txt file
2) Open and type the null character (alt + 255)
3) Press ctrl + a then ctrl + v a couple times to make some null bytes
4) If u have a hexeditor make the hex 00 for about 50 kilobytes.
5) Now make several copies of a.txt and name accordinly
6) Open cmd.exe
7) Type copy /b *.txt b.txt
8) Now every copy is made into a super copy and repeat
9) Once you have a nice empty big text file like 1gb. Put it in a zip archive.
Because of the simple construction of the file, 1gb of null bytes.....!
The zip is only 1 mb in size and can really annoy freinds.
For added fun hex edit the zip and you will see a bunch of hex 5555
Just add some more and the file will expand amazingly
Make sure to not open this after
You can always create your zip of death from the command line in linux
dd if=/dev/zero bs=1000 count=1000000 gzip > test.gz

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Run Firefox inside Firefox

-: Run Firefox inside Firefox :-

How to run Firefox inside Firefox.?

Yup you can run Firefox inside firefox just by typing following url.

How about Opening Firefox inside Firefox which is again in another Firefox..?
Not bad huh?
And its really easy too just type in this url in Firefox's address bar and there you go!
Firefox inside Firefox!

copy paste following url in a web browser (mozilla firefox).


Following is the screenshot of this trick (firefox in firefox in firefox, which is again in another firefox)-

firefox inside firefox

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-: Chat with Friends through ms dos Command Prompt :-

1) All you need is your friend's IP Address and your Command Prompt.
2) Open Notepad and write this code as it is.....!
@echo off
set /p n=User:
set /p m=Message:
net send %n% %m%
Goto A
3) Now save this as "Messenger.Bat".
4) Open Command Prompt.
5) Drag this file (.bat file) over to Command Prompt and press Enter.
6) You would then see something like this:

7) Now, type the IP Address of the computer you want to contact and press enter
You will see something like this:

8) Now all you need to do is type your message and press Enter.

Start Chatting.......!

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Access Free Airtel GPRS Using TeaShark Browser

TeaShark, a mobile browser like Opera Mini, allow you to access Airtel GPRS for FREE.
Shockingly it has nothing to do with modifying any Airtel settings or any kind of hack.

Here is how I used this…

* Download TeaShark v. 312. Its free and being JAR file it can be installed on most handsets.
* Open it from your mobile and select AirTel Live as access point.
* That’s it! Open any site from TeaShark and you won’t be charged anything.

Note for the first time, when TeaShark starts, it may take more than one minute to initialize. Also this one time initialization may fail many times. But don’t loose your heart!

As of now, this trick is limited to handsets only.

Note:“Subscribe to Packet Data First”
This means you need to activate AirTel Live service which is free.
Contact customer care to get it activated.
Also select only AirTel Live as access point when prompted by TeaShark.

Download TeaShark:

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All you need to have is
–>Serial/USB cable/Bluetooth dongle
–>Any Browser(I suggest Opera as we can browse both wap and other sites)

Follow These Steps:
—>Activate Airtel Live sending a message MASALA ACTIVE to 121
—>Create a profile with the following settings in your data account under Data Communication

USERNAME : blank
PASSWORD : blank


INTERNET MODE : HTTP or WAP (both works)
PORT : 8080

–>Create a new dial-up connection on your pc after connecting the mobile to pc,using the NEW CONNECTION WIZARD as follows

ISP Name : Anyname
Phone Number : *99***1#
Username and Password : blank

–>Configure your browser to use the proxy and port 8080.

–>Connect to the dial-up account. You will be connected at 115.2kbps

—>Now if you try to access any site on your mobile you ll get an error message like “Access Denied”

—>Open your browser, and start browsing and voila it opens the regular sites and if u beleive ull get a d/l speed of 5-6 kbps

Common Errors:
If you are getting any error wile dialing a dial up connection than go to
Control panel>> Phone and modem>>>select modem and click on its properties >>advanced
and enter the following initialization commands
AT+CGDCONT=2, “IP”,””,”",0,0

Now it should be connected without any error......!

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