
jooce Rank

Power to the People

Are you a cyber nomad? Always on the move, jumping from one computer to another?

Are you one of the 500 million people across the world who access the internet each day from a cybercafe?

Are you tired of relying on laptops, USB keys and CD Roms to store, transport and share your files?

Are you one of the millions who either doesn't own or doesn't want to own a computer?

Do you email, chat, surf and share on a daily basis – but don't have a computer on which to organize your digital life?

Would you prefer that your files followed you wherever you went – and were only ever an internet connection away – rather than having to lug a laptop?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then you clearly need some jooce in your life.

Jooce is your very own, private online desktop – with public file sharing capabilities. A highly-secure, online space to keep, view, listen to – and instantly share with friends – all your files, photos, music and video.

By bundling all your chat and email accounts into one easy-to-use platform, jooce is your one-stop communications portal on the web.

What does this mean in plain language? It means that with a jooce account, no matter where you go in the world, no matter which computer you use to access the internet,your entire digital life is only ever a mouse click away.

By making every computer your computer, jooce promises to plug-in a whole new generation of mobile internet users.
