OOS Rank

An online WebOS just like any other!

Your Personal Online Desktop.

Get your free Online Operating System account now and experience the next generation of the World Wide Web with your personal online desktop. Gain access to an entire operating system running in your browser.

  • A Multiplicity of Applications: Even at this early stange, OOS already provides an amazing number of useful applications and services: Organize your files, documents and personal data from anywhere around the world.
  • Online Collaboration: Our primary goal is to provide our users with the highest level of usability and all necessary means to facilitate online collaboration. For instance, intuitive drag and drop operations are used wherever they are expedient and you can share your data with other users.
  • Your Personal Website: Every activated OOS account comes with 1 GB of disc space for your online photo album and your public homepage. Both are easily accessible for everyone via your personal domain http://.oos.cc.

